Elephant Painting – Finished

Here is the final painting.

Hope you all like it


elephant painying

About Jason Morgan - wildlife artist - Oils, pastel pencils and more
I am UK based professional wildlife artist with over 15 years experience in online teaching. I have one of the most popular wildlife art communities - https://www.patreon.com/wildlifeart with hundreds of members getting NEW full length painting and drawing videos each month. I also have a popular wildlife teaching site - packed with DVD discs and downloads - http://www.jasonmorgan.co.uk You can find me on Facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/jason.morgan.wildlife.art/ I specialise in pastel pencils and oil paints, but also work in charcoal, graphite and coloured pencils too.

3 Responses to Elephant Painting – Finished

  1. Kelsey says:

    Hello! I am a budding oil painter who has purchased several of your e-Books. I wanted to try the fur-painting techniques at the end of “On My Easel – Volume 2” with a tiger cub painting. But, I was worried that the white strokes might kill some of the underlying hues and after glazes, the tiger would appear monotone. Do you have any tips for avoiding this?

    • wildlifeart says:

      You usually do the white highlighted fur strokes, before you do the glazes on top. Only thew very whitest highlights, if there are any are kept toill the end.

  2. Kelsey says:

    Thank you! I’ll try that and see how it goes.

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